
Cryo Milling Services

AVEKA uses liquid nitrogen to lower the temperature of the material and/or the milling process. AVEKA uses cryogenic hammer mills that can typically reduce the particle size from small pellets down to the 100s of microns. Cryo-milling can be used for:

  • Reducing the material temperature below its glass transition temperature (Tg), which is the point at which a polymer goes from a brittle, glassy state (low temperature) to an elastic, rubbery state (higher temperature). Materials below their Tg are generally friable to some degree.
  • Keeping the mill and material from overheating. Hard to mill materials generate a lot of heat during milling, and materials must stay below their melt temperatures or softening points to be friable.
  • Temperature control to prevent hazardous decomposition during impact of the mill
  • Oxygen (or other gases) exclusion to prevent degradation of the milled material when new surfaces are formed

Capabilities and Equipment Specs
  • FitzMill JT Homoloid (2)
  • FitzMill M5A – food grade
  • FitzMill DASO6
  • FitzMill DKASO12
  • CryoAuger
  • SpexMill
Factors to Consider
  • Is the material sensitive to heat?
  • What is the final desired particle size?
  • What is the starting particle size?
  • Is the material friable?
  • What is the maximum allowable temperature during milling?
  • Is the material abrasive?