
What is Dispersion?

A particle dispersion is a homogeneous distribution of materials in a liquid phase. High-quality dispersions typically possess high stability with a long shelf-life, resist sedimentation and exhibit the customer’s targeted rheology. AVEKA creates micro- and nano-particle dispersions for a wide variety of industries by utilizing bead milling, high-pressure homogenization and high-shear mixing methods.

Dispersion processing is a three-part process:

  1. Wetting of particle surfaces in a liquid medium
  2. Mechanical size reduction of solid particles that are either flocculated, agglomerated, aggregated or crystalline
  3. Stabilizing the newly reduced particles in the dispersion by preventing re-agglomeration using surfactants and/or dispersants

The stability of a dispersion greatly depends on the particle or droplet size as well as the formulation chemistry. Control and manipulation of inter-particle forces is critical to successful dispersion processing. AVEKA‘s team has the expertise to determine the best equipment and processing parameters, as well as assist with the optimization of the dispersion formula. AVEKA‘s in-house Characterization Lab has the analytical capabilities to measure and verify key dispersion properties: particle size, solids content, color strength, opacity, stability and rheology. Once methods and formulations are determined, AVEKA also has scale-up and production capabilities to meet a variety of manufacturing requirements.

AVEKA has the expertise to create high-quality particle dispersions for you! 

Capabilities and Equipment Specs
  • Mixing / Blending:
    • 2300 – 38000 L reaction/blending tanks with agitation, food-grade
    • 100 – 750 L high-speed disperser
    • 100 L multi-shaft mixer with tri-foil blade, jacketed tank, vacuum capability
    • Rotor/Stator-Mixer for R&D and Pilot-scale – 500 mL to 20 L
    • Dispermat disperser for R&D scale, dissolver disc, perl mill and milling impeller attachments, small batches 250-500 mL
    • Liquifier
  • Homogenizing:
    • Microfluidizer (high-pressure homogenizer), R&D and pilot-scale, ideal for emulsions
    • Various 2-phase Homogenizers for food-grade production
  • Bead-Milling:
    • PVL-H/V, R&D- bead mill, multiple dispersion zones available in steel, ceramic, PU-Coating, continuous and discrete pass operation
    • Advantis V5, high-energy R&D bead mill, low viscosities, continuous operation
    • Cosmo V3, high-shear, Couette-type R&D bead mill for food-grade products, continuous operation
    • K-8, Conical R&D and pilot-scale bead mill, ideal for high-viscosity dispersion, discrete pass operation
    • K-60, Conical production-size bead mill, discrete pass, ideal for high-viscosity dispersions
Factors to Consider
  • Is the product an emulsion or suspension?
  • What is the starting particle size?
  • What is the target particle size?
  • Is the product water-based or solvent-based?
  • Is the formulation defined or does it need to be optimized?
  • Does the formulation contain surfactants or dispersants?
  • What is the product viscosity?
  • Does the product contain abrasive components?
  • Is the product temperature sensitive?