We’ve put together this collection of resources to help you learn more about our processes, patents and more. Have questions? Contact us to learn more.
AVEKA Brochures
AVEKA Patents
AVEKA Videos
AVEKA Webinars
Challenges and Opportunities in Spray Drying
Jet Milling and Air Classification: Particle Refinement at its Best - HORIBA Scientific Webinar
Industrial Challenges of Particle Processing
Particle Agglomeration - A Technical How-to Guide with Examples
Decoding Particle Science & Technology into Practical Manufacturing - HORIBA Scientific Webinar
Technology Readiness Levels and Scale-Up: the Path from R&D to Production - HORIBA Scientific Webinar
Blending: It is Never as Easy as it First Appears - HORIBA Scientific Webinar
Fluid Bed Processing: Drying, Agglomeration, Particle Coating - HORIBA Scientific Webinar
Jet Milling and Air Classification: The Secret to Ultrafine Particles - HORIBA Scientific Webinar
How does Particle Characterization Enhance Research and Scale-up, Validate Production, and Increase Your Bottom Line? - HORIBA Scientific Webinar
Preparation Methods and Examples of Engineered Particles
Prilling, Melt Spraying, Spray Congealing is there a difference?
The Changing Contract Environment in Food Processing
Mastering the Processing Methods of Engineered Particles
IFPRI: Bringing Industry and Academia Together - Webinar hosted by AVEKA and Horiba
AVEKA's Contract Manufacturing Capabilities Highlighted - Webinar hosted by AVEKA and Horiba